Kate earned her bachelor’s in Arts and Humanities at Eastern Illinois University. She is currently a staff member of the Department of Theater and Dance at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. Directing credits: Nunsense, Red Hot and Cole, Hairspray, and Disney’s Beauty and the Beast with the Cougar Theatre Company and Mama Mia! at the SIUe Summer Theater Festival. Additional credits: Properties Manager and Resident Properties Designer with SIUe’s Department of Theater and Dance, Properties Designer with The Black Rep of Saint Louis, and Properties Designer with Union Avenue Opera. As a Stage Manager, Kate has worked with Winter Opera Saint Louis, Gateway Opera, Opera Collective Saint Louis and Mustard Seed Theater. She resides in Collinsville, IL.
Kate Slovinski
Master Props Manager
Meet More Team Members
Marc Schapman
Musical Director
Rusty Wandall
Sound Designer